lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

Trevor Rabin - Jacaranda (2012)

MP3 @ 320Kb - 98,6Mb.

Lista de Temas:

01  Spider Boogie
02  Market Street [feat. Vinnie Colaiuta]
03  Anerley Road [feat. Tal Wilkenfeld]
04  Through the Tunnel [feat. Vinnie Colaiuta]
05  The Branch Office [feat. Ryan Rabin]
06  Rescue [wordless vocals by Liz Constintine]
07  Killarney 1 & 2
08  Storks Bill Geranium Waltz
09  Me and My Boy [feat. Ryan Rabin]
10  Freethought
11  Zoo Lake
12  Gazania

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